Monday, March 9, 2009

Exotic Dancer Versus Stripper: Let's Google It!

So a friend of mine and I have been discussing her stripping as a lucrative job option. The prospect of graduating college is daunting, so we're examining all the cards on the table. However, we use the term "stripper" pretty liberally, but actually what she wants to do is dance in sexy lingere. On a pole. Is this still stripping? or does this delve into the realm of exotic dancing? What's the difference, anyway?

Sounds like a job for google.

Surprisingly, it seems like the google-verse doesn't really make up it's mind on the topic either. defines an "exotic dancer" pretty bluntly:

exotic dancer
stripper (def. 3).

They also define "Stripper" as an exotic dancer.
Somehow this doesn't clear anything up.

Let's ask the bloggers.

A poster on the "mass effect community" message boards says:
Exotic dancers are frequently called strippers for short, even though they don't actually strip.

Oh. Okay.. So dancing with clothes on is exotic? got it.

However, muddles up this distinction yet again:

EXOTIC DANCERS are most appropriate for bachelor parties, bachelorette parties, retirement dinners, as stripping telegrams or a special surprise gift to an unsuspecting guest of honor! Bellydancers and dancers from various countries are also considered to be exotic but the word exotic dancers usually refers more to dancers such as strippers.

So what I'm getting here is that people use strippers and exotic dancers interchangeably, nobody really knows the difference, but SOMETIMES there is one.

So what do you call the kind of dancing my friend wants to do?
Google suggests Burlesque dancing, which is apparently, and emphatically, NOT stripping: (from an interview with Bunny Bravo, a burlesque performer)

Most of the time they know what burlesque is. But the ones that don’t just ask what it is and you have to explain that it’s not stripping. It’s more like Vaudeville entertainment. What you usually get is “What’s the difference?” Burlesque is more the whole tease, what’s coming off, what’s underneath? Strippers are just in it for the money.Strippers always go, “Look at me! I’m perfect! Can I have a dollar?” We’re obviously not in it for the money, or we would be strippers.

So, there's your answer: Stripping is Exotic dancing and exotic dancing is stripping but Burlesque is exotic dancing but NOT stripping.

Somehow I think I'm still confused.


  1. i'm so into this blog, fyi.
    i've never known the difference either, mostly i see them used interchangeably and no one i've ever known has taken offense to that?

  2. Hmm..Interesting. I think you and this friend you talk about are very smart. I should hang out with the both of you. Cant wait for more posts!

  3. let me clear things up:

    all strippers are exotic dancers.

    not all exotic dancers are strippers.

    i.e. you don't have to remove your clothing to be an exotic dancer. if you do, you're a stripper.

  4. All dancers who is in the exotic dancing jobs have their one spot in the light of the night. Whatever they are called they look the same to me, working in clubs and dancing.

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  6. If you work as a professional exotic dancer, durability is a priority. Exotic dancing is very demanding on your body and your outfits, and it pays to buy quality to avoid any embarrassing situations. Hire Exotic Dancers

  7. There is not any difference between exotic dancers and strippers. The terms are interchangeable.

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  8. Exotic Dancer and Stripper means the same thing.
